by Carlos Kaslow The last 12 months have been the year of natural disasters. The country has been responding to various disasters, from hurricanes in the southeast to wildfires in California, with occasional tornados and flooding in between. Natural disasters also trigger the President and Governors to declare states of emergency. While these orders put […]
In self-storage, as in other commercial lease arrangements, there are essentially two types of tenant defaults: monetary or the failure to pay rent in full and on time, and non-monetary or the breach of the terms and conditions of the lease agreement other than relating to the payment of rent. When there is a monetary […]
As everyone in the industry knows, self-storage is regulated by state laws, so what is required in one state may not be required in a neighboring state. However, there are still similarities between state laws, and every few years we see nationwide trends in proposed changes to state self-storage laws. Some years back, many states […]
Mold is a naturally occurring condition arising from moisture. In self-storage, that moisture can arise from a defect in the ventilation of the constructed space but could also arise from an unknown leak or even a tenant moving property into a storage space on a wet rainy day. There is no way to eliminate all […]
A self storage facility, like all businesses, is subject to the risk of dissatisfied customers. Unfortunately, with the use of social media, the megaphone for that dissatisfaction can be widespread. Therefore, if a dispute does arise with a customer and the matter can be resolved, it is important for the facility operator to include in […]
Much has been happening recently on the issue of accessibility in the area of business websites. In August of 2022, the California Court of Appeals ruled in the case of Martinez v. Cot’n Wash, Inc. that websites are not “public accommodations” covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (consistent with the U.S. Court of Appeals […]
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